Consular Districts
the Embassy of China in Nigeria and
the Consulate General of China in Lagos
Consular district of the Embassy in Abuja is listed below:
1.阿布贾(Abuja,首都区) | 2.夸拉州(Kwara) |
3.尼日尔州(Niger) | 4.卡杜纳州(Kaduna) |
5.高原州(Plateau) | 6.包奇州(Bauchi) |
7.贡贝州(Gombe) | 8.阿达玛瓦州(Adamawa) |
9.博尔诺州(Borno) | 10.约比州(Yobe) |
11.吉加瓦州(Jigawa) | 12.卡诺州(Kano) |
13.卡齐纳州(Katsina) | 14.赞法拉州(Zamfara) |
15.索科托州(Sokoto) | 16.凯比州(Kebbi) |
17.奥约州(Oyo) |
Consular district of the Consulate General in Lagos
is listed below:
1.拉各斯州(Lagos) | 2.奥贡州(Ogun) |
3.奥逊州(Osun) | 4.埃基提州(Ekiti) |
5.翁多州(Ondo) | 6.科吉州(Kogi) |
7.埃多州(Edo) | 8.三角州(Delta) |
9.巴耶尔萨州(Bayelsa) | 10.阿南布拉州 (Anambra) |
11.伊莫州(Imo) | 12.河流州(Rivers) |
13.埃努古州(Enugu) | 14.阿比亚州(Abia) |
15.阿夸依邦州(Akwa Ibom) | 16.纳萨拉瓦州(Nasarawa) |
17.贝努埃州(Benue) | 18.埃邦伊州(Ebonyi) |
19.十字河州(Cross River) | 20.塔拉巴州(Taraba) |